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Embracing the Chaos


I was honored to be an intern at Hosp House during the Spring of 2022. Going into it, I didn’t really know what to expect. I was really nervous, inexperienced, quiet and not very confident in my abilities. On the very first day I was put to work in the kitchen and had no idea what to do. We were shown around the kitchen but we were expected to learn fast and get the job done. I wasn’t really sure what to do but knew that we were having to serve about 60 people for lunch and 80 people for dinner. I had never cooked for this many people before. In fact, I had barely cooked at all. However, being thrown into everything is how I learned. As my time progressed, I was making meals on my own and doing tasks without being told. I was able to make homemade chili, mashed potatoes, muffins, spaghetti sauce and much more. I had never made anything from scratch before and enjoyed getting creative and using what we had available in the food pantry.

At Hosp House we learn to critically think about what to serve for dinner. If we didn’t have enough food, it was our responsibility to find something else to serve. Everyone deserves a nutritious and delicious meal. I was even able to have some great eye opening conversations with some of the residents and those that came through the food pantry line. COVID has definitely added some restrictions but talking with others is still important to me and is at the top of my list for priorities. The friendships that I have made will last a lifetime and I am so honored that I was able to share this time with them. Senior year of college is super busy but being able to talk with them and my mentors was truly encouraging and I am so grateful for them.

If you are ever thinking about volunteering, Hosp House would be the perfect place to do so. They are always looking for help and you will learn so many skills while working there. I have been able to learn cooking skills as well as organization skills. I have learned that life is so fast paced and sometimes you just need to slow down and listen. Listening to those that live here and their stories has been one of my favorite things. They truly do appreciate everything that you do for them and they deserve to be talked to. Tasks need to be done, but they will be done eventually. One of the greatest things that I learned is to take the time to have a conversation with a resident and really acknowledge their stories. This will not only brighten your day, but theirs as well.

I can’t even begin to describe how much I have learned and the impacts that the organization has had on me. By the end of my internship my confidence skyrocketed and I actually felt like I was making a difference. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I am so glad that I was able to have this opportunity. I have gained so much knowledge of how homeless shelters work and how dedicated everyone has to be in order to make this organization run. At a time when everyone is down and life seems so crazy, those that are at Hosp House are there to help and support you. This is an experience that I will never forget and everyone there will have a place in my heart forever.

Not goodbye but see you next time,

Jenna Trantham


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05 бер.

Çikolata, dünya çapında en sevilen tatlardan biri olarak, binlerce yıldır insanların damaklarını şenlendirmektedir. Kakao çekirdeklerinden elde edilen çikolata, tarih boyunca farklı kültürler ve coğrafyalarda değişik şekillerde tüketilmiştir. İlk olarak MÖ 2000'lerde Orta Amerika'da, özellikle Maya ve Aztek uygarlıkları tarafından keşfedilen çikolata, başlangıçta genellikle içecek olarak tüketiliyordu. Günümüzde ise çikolata, şekerlemelerden pastalara, içeceklerden tatlılara kadar birçok farklı formda karşımıza çıkmaktadır.

Çikolatanın temel bileşeni, kakao, aslında oldukça besleyicidir. Kakao, zengin bir antioksidan kaynağı olup, içerdiği flavonoidler sayesinde kalp sağlığını destekleyebilir. Ayrıca çikolata, serotonin ve endorfin gibi “mutluluk hormonları” üretimine yardımcı olarak ruh halini iyileştirebilir. Özellikle bitter çikolata, bu faydaları daha yoğun bir şekilde sunar. Ancak, çikolatanın şeker ve yağ içeriği de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, aşırı tüketiminin sağlık açısından olumsuz etkiler yaratabileceği unutulmamalıdır.


05 бер.

Çikolata, dünyada en çok sevilen ve tüketilen tatlılardan biridir. Tarihçesi, eski Meksika uygarlıklarına kadar uzanır. Aztekler ve Mayalar, çikolatayı kakao olarak kullanırlardı. Onlar, kakao çekirdeklerini öğüterek bir içecek yapar ve bu içeceği sadece elit sınıf ve dini ritüellerdeki insanlar için tüketirlerdi. Avrupa'ya çikolata, 16. yüzyılda, İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirildi. Zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırıldı ve bugünkü formuna yaklaşıldı. Çikolata, hem tatlı hem de kültürel bir miras olarak dünyanın dört bir yanında yaygın hale geldi.

Çikolatanın üretim süreci, karmaşık ve uzun bir yolculuktur. İlk olarak kakao çekirdekleri, tropikal bölgelerdeki kakao ağaçlarından toplanır. Çekirdekler, fermente edilip kurutuldukten sonra kavrulurlar. Kavurma işleminden sonra çekirdeklerin kabukları soyulur ve kalan kakao çekirdeği toz haline getirilir. Çikolata üreticileri, bu kakaoyu şeker, süt ve vanilya gibi malzemelerle karıştırarak,…


05 бер.

Çikolata, binlerce yıllık geçmişi olan lezzetli bir yiyecektir. İlk olarak Orta Amerika'da yaşayan Olmekler, Mayalar ve Aztekler tarafından keşfedilmiştir. Bu uygarlıklar, kakao çekirdeklerini kutsal kabul etmiş ve içecek olarak tüketmişlerdir. Aztekler, kakaoyu baharatlarla karıştırarak "xocoatl" adını verdikleri acı bir içecek yapmışlardır. Avrupa'ya ise 16. yüzyılda İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirilmiştir. Başlangıçta sadece aristokratlar tarafından tüketilen çikolata, zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırılmış ve herkesin erişebileceği bir lezzet haline gelmiştir.Çikolata, kakao çekirdeklerinin toplanması, fermente edilmesi, kurutulması ve öğütülmesiyle üretilir. Kakao ağaçları, tropikal bölgelerde yetişir ve meyveleri içinde kakao çekirdeklerini barındırır. Hasattan sonra çekirdekler fermente edilerek aroma kazanır. Daha sonra kurutulup kavrulan çekirdekler öğütülerek kakao likörü elde edilir. Bu likör, çeşitli işlemlerden geçirilerek sütlü, bitter veya beyaz çikolata gibi farklı türlerde ürünlere dönüştürülür. Çikolatanın lezzeti,…




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Hospitality House, a regional nonprofit housing and homeless services agency, works in seven rural North Carolina counties (Watauga, Wilkes, Ashe, Avery, Alleghany, Mitchell, Yancey) providing housing, shelter, food access, homeless prevention, street outreach, counseling, medical care, and crisis assistance. Since 1984, the mission of Hospitality House has been to rebuild lives and strengthen community by providing a safe, nurturing, healthy environment in which individuals and families experiencing homelessness and poverty-related crises are equipped to become self-sufficient and productive. Federal Tax ID 56-1442966.

Non-Discrimination Policy: Hospitality House does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, class, income status, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

Wireless Disclaimer: By providing my wireless phone number to Hospitality House of Northwest N.C. I agree and acknowledge that Hospitality House of Northwest N.C. may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose, including marketing purposes.

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