My summer at the Hospitality House has been such an amazing experience. It allowed me to help others in the community in ways I have never been able to before. Preparing food boxes for them, speaking with them about various topics of their choice as well as working with the therapists has been a pleasure. Seeing residents smile as I welcome them into the Health Initiative building and hearing their gratitude for the work we do feels so rewarding and made this internship experience worthwhile.
This internship has taught me many valuable things in life including compassion and a sense of purpose. It taught me the power of compassion and not to take life for granted. I loved hearing people’s stories and seeing their strength as they struggle through a rough period in their lives. The Hospitality House has taught me that in the end, all that matters is kindness and compassion toward others. In times of need and struggle it can often be difficult to keep a positive attitude but allowing kindness to spread can lift one's spirits. Lastly, I am grateful to be a part of one of the first rehousing agencies to provide NeurOptimal ® brain training for free. Seeing how residents improve and are excited to engage in their training fills me with joy. My time at the Hospitality House has been nothing but wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed being an intern here. All staff are kind and considerate towards others, fellow staff, and residents. It feels like one large family at the Hospitality House.
