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La esperanza sobrevive al evento virtual

La junta directiva y directora ejecutiva de Hospitality House of Northwest Carolina del Norte, Tina B. Krause, lo invitamos cordialmente a nuestro 15 ° almuerzo anual de esperanza, ahora evento virtual, la esperanza sobrevive.

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Jueves 20 de agosto de 2020

7:00 p. M. - 7:30 p. M.

Facebook Live y YouTube Live

Debido al creciente número de infecciones y hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 en nuestra área de servicio de siete condados; Además de la incertidumbre en constante cambio que rodea a la variante Delta, hemos tomado la difícil decisión de volver a formatear nuestro Hope Luncheon 2021, "Hope Knows My Name".  

Vamos a pasar a una fiesta de Zoom de esperanza en vivo, el viernes 20 de agosto a las 12:00 del mediodía. Nuestro orador invitado y benefactor de Hope, Doug Kaiser, les hablará en vivo a través de Zoom.


Además, el presidente de nuestra junta, Pan McCaslin, la directora ejecutiva, Tina B. Krause, y el director de desarrollo en jefe, Todd Carter, presentarán el programa y responderán sus preguntas.

ÚNASE A NOSOTROS a las 12:00 pm el viernes 20 de agosto en el enlace de arriba. Esperamos verlos, conversar y disfrutar de cada uno de ustedes.


Tonier is a survivor and advocate whose words changed the course of Hospitality House in 2016 and deeply impacted Tina and Todd. 


Tonier will take you on her personal journey through of 83 arrests, 66 convictions, and 19 years of homelessness, incarceration, trauma, and addiction. She will share how it changed when someone asked her one simple question...​

Please note: individual tickets are $40 to attend or $400 for a table of eight. We realize that this is a change from the past but it is a necessary step. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and your impact begins after you purchase your ticket.


Our hope is to raise $100,000 in honor of forty years of service. 

JUST ANNOUNCED: Private Dinner for Sixteen with Tonier at Timberlake's Restaurant. 7:30 p.m. Friday Night. $400 per ticket. 

To reach this goal we will need a gift or pledge of $250 (or more) from each of you. We look forward to spending time with you at beautiful Chetola Lake. If you are unable to attend please consider donating below.


Thank you for joining us in reaching this goal!

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