If You Are Homeless
Please call us anytime (828) 264-1237: 24 HOURS A DAY
Coordinated Entry Process
If you are currently homeless, please call (828) 264-1237 and request to speak with the Emergency Housing Coordinator. Hospitality House operates the Northwest CoC Coordinated Entry and Assessment System, and our agency strives to ensure that each individual and family experiencing homelessness receives an assessment for services. Individuals and households demonstrating the highest level of need, using a standardized assessment tool will be prioritized for housing services.
Supportive Services - Coordinated Entry and Assessment System
The Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE) project allows for the provision of supportive services and coordinated assessment and housing prioritization to homeless individuals and families in the Northwest Continuum of Care (CoC) and supports engagement of unsheltered / hard to engage homeless individuals and families that are not tied to specific housing units.
Supportive services include conducting outreach to sheltered and unsheltered persons and families, engaging and supporting homeless participants with housing or other necessary services, and providing ongoing case management to help individuals and families gain and maintain safe housing and acquire independence.
This project provides literally homeless individuals and families’ coordination of care in a supportive environment and provides intensive case management which ensures stabilization to achieve the goal of independent housing. All participants, regardless of entry point in the system, have access to an individualized case plan and supportive services and/or a referral for needed services to stabilize and achieve their express goals.
Case management and supportive services may include: life-skills development, employment assistance and placement, credit/budget counseling, educational placement assistance, vocational resources, mental health, substance use or trauma informed counseling and assistance in securing benefits. The ultimate goal of supportive services is to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness achieve independent permanent housing and economic self-sufficiency.
Day Services
For those in our community who are unable or choose not to stay at Hospitality House, we offer breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, showers, laundry facilities, computer access, internet access, telephone access, First Aid, items, winter coats and blankets to anyone who needs them. ​
Night-by-Night Shelter
Each night we convert our Dining Room and Reflection Room into sleeping quarters. Men, women and children seeking shelter must arrive prior to 5:30 pm each day to complete an intake. We provide a safe, warm environment for anyone experiencing homelessness, living in a tent, car or uninhabitable structure. One locker per person is issued upon check-in. Each evening at 9:00 pm cots are distributed and they are put away the next morning beginning at 6:00 a.m.
Emergency Housing Program
Prior to or on the day of becoming homeless CALL US at (828) 264-1237 to check availability. If we have space available, we ask you to arrive for an intake prior to 4:30 pm. Our funding dictates that we prioritize homeless individuals and families from Ashe, Avery, Wilkes, Watauga, Alleghany, Mitchell and Yancey counties in North Carolina.
In order to stay in the Emergency Shelter Program will need to provide verification of homelessness. This may include an eviction notice or a statement from a family member, friend, or community member.
Homeless Verification Forms:
Eviction Verification
Statement from Family or Friend
Living Conditions
Hospitality House is a community living facility comprised of shared spaces. You must be able to reside with others in a peaceful manner. Each room has multiple beds and residents share bathrooms, common areas, laundry, and shower facilities. We have zero-tolerance policy for violence.
Drugs and Alcohol
The possession of drugs and/or alcohol on the property of Hospitality House is strictly prohibited.