When you give of your time to help others, you impact lives while enriching your own. Annually, our volunteers and interns work an average of 16,000 hours, the equivalent of nearly eight full time staff positions. We are always looking to engage community volunteers and student interns in new and creative ways.
We are excited to open our doors once again for volunteer opportunities! Please complete the appropriate Volunteer Application below. Once completed, volunteer coordinator Aaren Grant will be in touch to schedule volunteer orientation or group volunteer activities in conjunction with facilities manager Matt Webb.
Preparing & Cooking Evening Meals, Weekend Meals or Hot Breakfast
Organize a Food Drive
Assist in the Food Pantry
Gardening and Farming: Vegetable, Fruits, Herbs, Beautification and Chickens
Bring Us Your Ideas
Front Desk Customer Service
Office Administrative Assistant
Join Hearts of Hospitality House Ambassador Group
Serving on the Board of Directors or Resource Development Committee
Fitness Instructor: Group Walks, Hikes, Yoga, Exercise Class
Host Bingo, Game Night or Movie Night
Adult Art, Music & Hobby Activities
Kid's Friday and Snow Day Activities: Art, Music, Reading
Small Group Projects, Group Service Projects
Organizing In-Kind Donations and Acknowledgments
Spanish Language Translation